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How to Have Missionary Sex

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Keeping your feet on your partner sex sites during intercourse is certainly a fantastic way to boost your lovemaking energy level. It also can help your partner feel more secure, and it gives you a good idea of exactly where your partner’s vagina reaches.

The CAT approach (Coital Alignment Technique) is an effective approach to boost your missionary sex game. That involves changing forward and back to achieve a more usable penis perspective. This will give your spouse more clitral friction, which will lead to a great orgasm.

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The best part is that this can be done anywhere. You can use that while you are at home, in the office, or even on holiday. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor about it, however , and there is some health hazards associated with that.

The missionary is a well-worn path to climax. This is due to it offers one of the most amount of clit stimulation and transmission. It’s also the most comfortable. If you want to have it however you like, you can turn between a high position and a bottom posture.

You can even have somewhat fun with it. Make an effort role playing, or checking out new places for your sexual activity. There are also a lot of cool devices out there to defend you.

A blindfold is not only just the thing for the missionary, yet it’s a easy way to make the encounter more thrilling. You may not always be allowed to move around a lot of, but you may be able to experience the best of what sexual intercourse provides.

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