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Temptu Airbrush Makeup Kit & Sfx Makeup Airbrush Kit – Pinkiou.Com

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Many air brush compressor with air brush and hose temptu airbrush makeup kit, so I bought this a few months ago for a few projects I was doing and I have no experience with abortion whatsoever just seemed this package with the coupons I think it was originally priced at one forty with coupons I gotta feel like I think 95 dollars and it came with the actual compressor which you can buy separately a harbor freight and it came with the ear brush kit again, you can buy separately at hob are free, but they all came together as a kit including the hose for roughly a hundred and forty dollars I picked it up for like 95 dollars in my overall impressions again, lack of experience I don’t have any experience with any other ear brush type system for me, it seems to be working just fine and let me run through some of the specs on this little guy hold on the hair best airbrush makeup kit for wrinkles.So roughly the footprint is roughly ten inches long by about three and a half four inches wide, so not a huge footprint, it has an egg h.A release valve and condensation release valve on it has a nifty little handle that’s really robust, a nice heat sink on it on off switch. And a plug to connect to a one ten power sauce, it has little rubber feet sonnet to dampen the vibration and lessen the noise and one thing I got to say about this unit, is it is very quiet, super quiet, in fact and um the capacity of this is roughly fifty to sixty PS I then anything below that it will kick on a little kick on for roughly a second and a half and then shut off and depending how frequently you’re hitting that Russia distribute paint it will put on all run continuously that’s the only annoyance I find with it, but again I don’t use it that often so it’s not really it’s a minor annoyance I would have to say but from my inexperience to eye and perspective I find this to be a great little package.You know it has everything that I need a starter kit, if you will A I did have to go out and buy some acrylic paint and I also went out in purchase la harbor free I think I paid seven ninety nine for it with a coupon, it holds.Um, well, it looks like it can hold four air brushes, but I find this right here to be useless because with the little paint bucket and a hose attached it really doesn’t fit in that well and um, it’s not very secure, so this is a the position I normally use it in.So that that’s that nice little addition to the setup, so I have it plugged up.And I have the hose attached in the actual brush attached and right now it is roughly a little over fifty PS I ‘m not sure.If that is the storage capacity of this little tank I would imagine so but so it’s again super quiet in the one little thing that happens and again it doesn’t really bother me because I don’t use this that often it it, it doesn’t take much for it to um kick back on to refill the tank I would have to say goes down maybe.Ten PS I quickly and then it kicks on for a second half to fill it back up.Um, let me see if I can get a better shot of that so right now it’s a roughly at sixty. Yeah, so it goes down to like ten PS side kicks back on about a second and a half which isn’t too bad, but if you’re continuously spraying stop got back on again.And then it quickly shuts off so to me it’s not that much of an annoyance because I don’t use it that often, but I would imagine someone who uses this full-time quite a bit, um, that would be a little bit of annoyance and it’s not that loud but it’s loud enough to kind of distract you a little bit.So this is the air brush kit that came with the whole unit on one box, you get this open so you have your ear brush and again you know having very little experience in this it seems like a good quality hair brush.You know to buy this separately I think this whole cake goes for roughly 1999 to 2099 I have afraid it’s a want to say to stage your brush I could have the terminology wrong, basically you control the airflow.By pressing down in the paint distribution by bringing it back, so you have two actions and it’s it’s really a learning curve and I guess I feel that you have to acquire to get the right amount of um flow in the right amount of paint distribution for your desired effect I guess, if you will, so it came with this little ear bucket, this little paint bucket that I mostly use because I don’t use that much paint in a little bit of paint goes a long way in air brushing.So I don’t use that often and it comes with this little air brush holder which I find to be useless unless I’m using it wrong but one of the things with this type style hair brushes, you know you have your hose here in your little paint bucket there so it’s a little bit cumbersome to use and I find that the hose gets in the way all the time, and when you go to.At a steep angle a little bit of an aggressive angle to paint some of the paint will if you’re not careful spill out and that sucks. So that’s a little bit of a you do that once and you don’t do it again, type of situation so.So let me let me actually hold on and get the air hose on for ya.Right, little paint bucket, a host so as you can see, it’s a little cramped you know and I find that the angle and this paint buckets a little weird too because I’m not sure.How to actually position it seems like this is the best way because if you have it forward, it just kind of gets in the way a little bit and again it’s a little bit of an experience on my end, so if I’m trying to paint something and I have the piece flat on my bench I find that if you’re not careful, you could spill some paint so you know a little bit of an angle.A is what I tend to use it at maybe a little less than 45 degree angle anything steeper you’re gonna you know in jeopardy of spilling paint, so that’s probably where this guy comes in but again it’s just for me to put a little bit of paint in there you know, and then to have to clean it.It’s easier to clean this than in my experience anyway so that’s I can’t say much about that, I mean you know I’m positive, there are tons of better quality air brushes out there for some of the guys that you know are more experienced and use it a lot more often than I do I maybe tend to use this once every couple of months on one project and it just seems to be working fine I can’t really speak on behalf of you know the durability and reliability of it of the eco pressure, it seems very solid, I mean like I said it’s it’s not that late but it’s not that heavy, I mean you can easily throw it away in a cabinet in a drawer, you can potentially hang it from somewhere I just tried to keep it on my workbench, I’m using it and just put it away in a drawer when I’m done or sometimes I keep it over there.So if you like this video hit the like button subscribe I plan to do a lot more tool checks in the future need to be honest it was just another excuse for me to buy more tools.So help me support.

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